Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Episode 17 - Just One Question, Why?

Mike and Dave discuss a few different things in this podcast, mainly screaming why in their heads as they do so.

And here's a link to a YT video: Black Guy Likes Pokemon or watch it below.

But first, the episode!

Or download Episode 17 directly.
And the "Black Guy likes Pokemon" video.

Also, our intro music comes from "Mega Man 3 - Cataclysmic Clash" by Game Over, available on OC Remix.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Episode 16 - News

We talk about different types of news.

Download the podcast mp3 here.

Music taken from "Mega Man 2 - Wily's Requiem" by Nekofrog.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Episode 15 - Hacks, Hypotheses, and Holidays

Episode 15 comes after a long tiring retail weekend for both Mike and Dave.   So here's what they talk about this week.

  • Some awesome Kinect hacks.  View the original article and videos here.  Thanks HlyHndGrnade for the link.
  • Shot Right asks us how well we think DC Universe, a pay to play MMO, will fair on the PS3.
  • Our experiences with Black Friday and some tips that will hopefully make holiday shopping less stressful for you and us.

Or download Episode 15 here.

Have any more comments, suggestions, or questions you want to ask us?
  • Visit our forums at http://bossbattle.freeforums.org
  • Follow us on Twitter @bb_mikendave / @oh_malley / @WasteControl
  • or E-mail us at mikendave.bossbattle@gmail.com
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Episode 14 - Emotional Rollercoaster

The podcast topics range from the enraging to sad to happy stuff.  Topics (with links) as follows:

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, want to be a guest host, or want to be interviewed, contact us via Twitter @bb_mikendave or e-mail us at mikendave.bossbattle@gmail.com.

or download the full mp3 here.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Episode 13 - Puberty and Conjecture

Dave and Mike get revved up again about some recent topics.  Here's their opinions on:
  • Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops - The Game and The Obsession
  • Viacom's attempt to sell Harmonix and its effect
  • Widely available controller mods for cheap?
  • Pre-ordering DLC.  REALLY!?
Listen to our podcast via the player:

or download the mp3 here.
Also remember to check us out on iTunes!  Please comment and rate us so we'll pop up on the more popular podcast pages.  And if you need to contact us, check out our About Us page.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Episode 10 - War Never Changes

Dave and Mike are at it again with their rantings and antics in Episode 10.
Topics include:
  • Dave's Review of Fallout: New Vegas
  • Listener question: Opinions on Movie-Based Video Games and Video Game-Based Movies.
  • Black Ops Beta Follow-Up and Hacker Challenge
  • A note and reflection on the Gameplay Commentator Community
  • The status of the G.S. Challenge and future plans.
  • Some notes on future guests, such as the Family [tF].

or download the full mp3 here.

References to some stuff mentioned.

The intro and outro music for this episode was taken from "Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Hell March to the Apocalypse" by Prince of Darkness as found on OCRemix.org.
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Episode 12 - Some Time With The Family

Nchantyr Tym and HlyHndGrnde from [t]he [F]amily join us this episode.
Episode topics include:
  • The Xbox Live Price Hike and everyone getting their panties in a twist.
  • The status of the California vs EMA Supreme Court case.
  • The Family and their plans for Black Ops.
  • tF's 1v1 MW2 tournament in memory of Sebastian.
  • The Kinect's projections to sell 5 million units.

or go download the mp3 here.

And here are some nifty links.

The Eurogamer article we referenced and the original source from Gamasutra.
the Family's website, the Facebook group for Sebastian, and a nifty YouTube video to help spread the word.

Remember to help out by donating to the cause or at least spreading out the word via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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    Sunday, October 31, 2010

    Episode 11 - The Halloween King

    Halloween is here and so is Episode 11 from us, along with special guest Donna from Pink and Deadly.
    Here's what we talk about during our show.
    • Our beloved Fable 3.
    • Angry Birds.
    • Rumors about Apple buying Sony/EA.
    • "Aaron Greenburg is a dildo." - Dave.  Here's why.
    • WoW gamers confess to murder in game.
    • Halo Reach community game night.
    • the Family's 1v1 MW2 tournament for local gamer.
    And here's some useful links.
    For Donna: Visit Pink and Deadly - RocklandUSA - Player Affinity
    For the Family: Visit their site - the Facebook group for the tournament - YouTube Vid

    or download the full mp3 here.

    Music was taken from "Psychonauts - Psychotic Censors" by Mazedude.
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    Sunday, October 17, 2010

    Episode 9 - Three Times Three

    EscoBlades joins us again with some various topics.  And evidently he turns into a demonic robot during points.
    Some topics include:
    • Universal release dates.
    • Critical mass gaming budgets.
    • In game advertising.
    • Zombies makes everything.. zombie-filled.
    • Black Ops beta leaks.
    • Other stuff.

    or download the full mp3 here.
    "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Go the Distance" by Sixto Sounds was featured in the intro and outro of the podcast.  Go find it on OCRemix.org.
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    Monday, October 11, 2010

    Episode 8 - You Asked For It

    We answer YOUR questions in this episode.
    The questions:
    Could Gears 3 delay benefit Bulletstorm?
    What will be the longevity of the Move and Kinect or will they succeed?
    Is it strange that Black Ops got similar features to Bungie games after Bungie joined forces with Activision?
    What do we think about EA changing to enemy name from the Taliban to Opposing Force?

    or go download the mp3 here.

    Intro and outro music featured is from "Castlevania 2 Bloody Hell" by Ailsean and Kaijin.  Go find it on OCRemix.org.

    Boss Battle Forums - Boss Battle on YouTube - Boss Battle on Twitter
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    Monday, October 4, 2010

    Episode 7 - Reach Around

    Mike and Dave are back in full force after a week break to set-up forums. Yes. Forums. Anyways. This week's podcast topics include:
    • Our forums!  Yay!
    • Our opinions on Halo: Reach.
    • Gears of War 3's new release date.
    • Borderlands newest DLC.
    • Dave's impressions of Hydrophobia.

    or download the mp3 here.

    So, enjoy the show.  Go to our forums and provide comments, suggestions, questions, and random nonsense.

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    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Episode 6 - Now in Pie Flavor

    The Boss Battle Podcast now comes in (Justice) Pie flavor!  Guest host and epic BBP listener Justice Pie fills in for Dave.
    Some notes for this week's episode:
    • Justice's introduction.
    • Viral marketing is lame.
    • Our complaints about movies, stealing from other mediums.
    • The status of the 1v1 Gamer Showdown / Goat Screw challenge and why Dave is lame.
    • Other updates regarding the sites and the podcast.

    or download directly here.
    The intro and outro music in this episode was taken from "Mega Man 3 - The Passing of the Blue Crown" by by Sixto Sounds, Steppo, and zircon.  Check it out here.

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Episode 5 - Fuzzy Wuzzy

    Again with 50% more hosting awesome sauce!  This week's special guest is Fuzzy from Tango Down.
    This week's episode notes:
    • Chrono Trigger worship.
    • Gamertag goodness.
    • Attention developers: STOP PLANNING TRILOGIES.
    • Some banter about Halo Reach.
    • First 1v1 G.S. Challenge. 9/15.
    • Upcoming updates for the podcast.

    or download the mp3 here.
    Also, be on the lookout for us on iTunes!

    The intro and outro music featured in this episode comes from "The Legend of Zelda - 'UnderWorldPressureCooker'" by wRenchpilot.

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      Sunday, September 5, 2010

      Episode 4 - +1 to Shenanigans

      Today's episode comes with 50% more hosting power with special guest host ESCOBLADES!
      • Escoblade's introduction.
      • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (and Beta.).
      • "Crap" Ops and Medal of Honor discussion.
      • Our top arcade games.
      • If you have gaming-related news or want to know our opinions regarding it, let us know!

      or download the mp3 file directly here.

      And here some nifty links for things mentioned in the podcast.
      The intro and outro music comes from "Tales of Symphonia - Strike of the Devil's Axes" by CarboHydroM and LuIzA.  Go check it out on OCRemix.
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      Sunday, August 29, 2010

      Episode 3 - Back on the Rant Train

      Episode Notes:
      • How MLG is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
      • How WCG Ultimate Gamer 2 is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
      • Scott Pilgrim vs the World the Video Game! makes us happy.
      • Dave lets us know he's excited about Dungeon Defenders.
      • Ask us questions that you want on the podcast by commenting here, e-mailing us at mikendave.bossbattle@gmail.com, or contacting us via Twitter ( The Podcast @bb_mikendave, Mike @h2o_ohmalley, and Dave @WasteControl).
      • If you would like to be a guest host via the same methods.  If you're using Twitter, make sure to send us a direct message rather than just a mention.  Please, include any topics that you'd like to talk about as well.

      or download the mp3 file here.

      Here's some links to things mentioned in the podcast.
      And as always, intro and outro taken from "FF7 - Black Wing Metamorphosis", a collective work by Fishy, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, bLiNd, pixietricks, and tefnek.
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      Saturday, August 21, 2010

      Episode 2 - Resolution

      Here's a general outline of this episode.
      • A recap of Episode 1 and comments
      • Reasons for hate: Dave (Gears/MW2) & Mike (Halo/AC)
      •  Clarification about gamers.
      • We like Valve.
      • Batman: Arkham City & Bioshock: Infinite
      • Costume Quest and other small notes.

      or download the mp3 file here.

      Things mentioned in this week's episode:

      Our intro and out music is from "Chrono Trigger - The Final Battle" by PLBenjaminZ over at OCRemix.org.
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      Saturday, August 14, 2010

      Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are

      The first episode of Boss Battle Podcast is up!  Listen in and comment afterwards.
      What's in Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are
      • Introduction to the BB Podcast
      • What's the point of BB Podcast?
      • What is and What is not a GAMER
      • Mike and Dave's gaming backgrounds
      • MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT - Check it out on the Xbox Live Marketplace
      • The "Moral of the Story" a.k.a. Concluding Remarks.

      or download the mp3 file here.
      Intro and outro music taken from "Mega Man 3 - It's Boss Time" by Gux.  Check it out on OCRemix here.
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