Sunday, September 5, 2010

Episode 4 - +1 to Shenanigans

Today's episode comes with 50% more hosting power with special guest host ESCOBLADES!
  • Escoblade's introduction.
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (and Beta.).
  • "Crap" Ops and Medal of Honor discussion.
  • Our top arcade games.
  • If you have gaming-related news or want to know our opinions regarding it, let us know!

or download the mp3 file directly here.

And here some nifty links for things mentioned in the podcast.
The intro and outro music comes from "Tales of Symphonia - Strike of the Devil's Axes" by CarboHydroM and LuIzA.  Go check it out on OCRemix.
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  1. Good cast guys. It's never dull listening to Esco, he's always got something intelligent to say.

    Wrote my comments down this time, you guys stated that most game suffer financially from not having an MP component but I have to disagree. There have been many games that were.actually hurt by shoddy MP... I feel inadequate because I can't immediately think of one that I played, but the point is not every game needs or requires that option. BS2 is a game I couldn't get behind specifically because I disagreed with their MP option.

    In MoH, what if the level in question, the coalition force you played against were French? And you were allowed to give them the option to surrender? ...too soon France?

    I'm honestly surprised your Arcade list did not include Trials HD or Shadow Complex.

    Good listening, Mike, nice to see you keeping Dave under control. ;)
