Saturday, August 21, 2010

Episode 2 - Resolution

Here's a general outline of this episode.
  • A recap of Episode 1 and comments
  • Reasons for hate: Dave (Gears/MW2) & Mike (Halo/AC)
  •  Clarification about gamers.
  • We like Valve.
  • Batman: Arkham City & Bioshock: Infinite
  • Costume Quest and other small notes.

or download the mp3 file here.

Things mentioned in this week's episode:

Our intro and out music is from "Chrono Trigger - The Final Battle" by PLBenjaminZ over at
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. talking about how gears is so slow and the characters seem sluggish is funny, especially when you mention how in mw2, the characters move too fast. then which is it? and who cares what kind of gamer a person is? you dont get your news from them or to go them to get info do you?

  2. To the person above, it seems that you neglect the fact that there is a balance that exists between the two speeds of the games.

    Mike, Dave, great show. You guys are entertaining for sure. Can't wait for the next show.

    Kaleb B- Dreadknight

  3. Great show this week guys, loved it as usual :) And I would like to thank you for saying some nice words about Assassin's Creed :P But like I said all in all it was full of win and I can't wait for next week!


  4. @JusticePie -

    I did mention that possibility to Dave when we were talking during the week about the podcast. It's definitely a theory, but honestly, I could see it going either way. After watching Levin's interview, I find it unlikely. But it's still possible.

    - Mike.

  5. Great episode this week guys. I have a feeling they are going to flow better every time. Good job. Oh, and Mike, you need to check out my posts from Megaman week. I'd like to hear your feedback.

  6. LOL, lots of free time and no friends... OUCH!

    You guys are off to a good start, just try to keep it focused and not just another "gamer raging about other gamers and kids" podcast. Make sure it has some sort of substance to the rage, and you'll be ok. Id also suggest cutting these a little shorter to start out with, and try to keep in mind you are still using a form of public speaking. Alot of the same concepts you would use for a speech/presentation (organization, presentation, and delivery) go a long way to making a podcast listenable. But you guys still crack me up, and off to good start!

    BTW, the name of your podcast is pure awesome. Also, whats with Xerxes sounding so peppy? LOL. Im just used to him grumbling, and god damn this, fuck that... well, at least the swearing is still there =P

  7. I want to know who this is just because you named me by my old gt. I appreciate your comments and yes, we are tuning it as we go along.

  8. I think the biggest compliment that could be given to Rocksteady came from hardcore comic book fans like myself - Arkham Asylum was as close to perfect a portrayal of Batman in a video game as there ever has been. I am EXCITED for Arkham City and have faith that Rocksteady (who are hardworking devs) will come through with another masterpiece.

    I gotta stand up a little for MW2 (and this has absolutely nothing to do with my affiliation with IW) MW2, for the most part, has been ruined by the rise of the JTAG consoles. Sure, a lot of the gamers who play MW2 religiously are grade A douchebags, but that was the same on COD4. That game however, didn't suffer from the glut of console hacks that MW2 is suffering from. The "glitches" a lot of people moan about are actually not problems with the game code.

    Oh and Assassin's Creed was originally made to be (and to the best of my knowledge, still is) a trilogy. Brotherhood is an extension of Ezio's story, and can thus be called AC 2 (Part 2) AC3 is in development, and will be wrapping up the Assassins/ Templar struggle storyline.

    All in all, another great episode, you have the momentum now, keep that fire burning.
