Sunday, October 31, 2010

Episode 11 - The Halloween King

Halloween is here and so is Episode 11 from us, along with special guest Donna from Pink and Deadly.
Here's what we talk about during our show.
  • Our beloved Fable 3.
  • Angry Birds.
  • Rumors about Apple buying Sony/EA.
  • "Aaron Greenburg is a dildo." - Dave.  Here's why.
  • WoW gamers confess to murder in game.
  • Halo Reach community game night.
  • the Family's 1v1 MW2 tournament for local gamer.
And here's some useful links.
For Donna: Visit Pink and Deadly - RocklandUSA - Player Affinity
For the Family: Visit their site - the Facebook group for the tournament - YouTube Vid

or download the full mp3 here.

Music was taken from "Psychonauts - Psychotic Censors" by Mazedude.
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