Sunday, August 29, 2010

Episode 3 - Back on the Rant Train

Episode Notes:
  • How MLG is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
  • How WCG Ultimate Gamer 2 is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
  • Scott Pilgrim vs the World the Video Game! makes us happy.
  • Dave lets us know he's excited about Dungeon Defenders.
  • Ask us questions that you want on the podcast by commenting here, e-mailing us at, or contacting us via Twitter ( The Podcast @bb_mikendave, Mike @h2o_ohmalley, and Dave @WasteControl).
  • If you would like to be a guest host via the same methods.  If you're using Twitter, make sure to send us a direct message rather than just a mention.  Please, include any topics that you'd like to talk about as well.

or download the mp3 file here.

Here's some links to things mentioned in the podcast.
And as always, intro and outro taken from "FF7 - Black Wing Metamorphosis", a collective work by Fishy, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, bLiNd, pixietricks, and tefnek.
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  1. I'm leaving a dump. Because you don't take it, sheesh! Downloading podcast now

  2. So I didn't realize how poorly gamers were portrayed. I always thought we were obese virgin slobs living in our parents basements, or at least that's what this kid on XBL keeps telling me. Anyways, I think It's time we stand up...*struggles to stand* Man this is hard, It's time we rise up! *fails to rise, falls off couch into a cushion of old Cheetos bags, finds Cheeto, eats it* Mmm, stale but nourishing, MOM, BRING ME MY GAMER FUEL NAO! Anyways, [wheezes] I think, [wheezes] that's unfair and *yawns* we should do something...about it. Maybe [wheezes] after a nap...*snore**drool**dies*

    I don't buy in to that Pro gaming garbage and I wish parents would teach their kids a lot more about responsibility and what it really means to earn something. All this apathy started when parents started getting jailed for spanking their children. You may be REWARDED for gaming, but you will never be counted as a contributing member of society, and in my world, because it is my world lest you forget, mature or I'll make you respawn faster than you can say 'cock bite'. /endrant

    Good podcast, you figure out how to fight that stereotype, and I'll be first in line to wave your flag.

  3. Oh my God. You guys were right about WCG and it being a load of aborted fetuses. The only reason to keep watching would be to see how many wrecks are piled on top if each other. What a fabricated show, with fabricated personalities & drama. The whole time I'm picturing all the girls with sad panda face and the guys are all QQ. You have a right to be annoyed D.

    Alright, no more comments.

    ps fitting that my word verification would contain the word 'feces' in it.

  4. This episode made me LOL hard!

    WCG Ultimate Gamer is a pile of crap. MLG has become a joke. "Serious" gamers aren't impressed by all that dick waving anymore. The core audience of the aforementioned shows (formats) are the idiot wannabe kids who post useless Intervention vids on youtube every single week, begging for subs and trying to get a Machinima contract. WTF??!

    Great show guys, you hit the nail on the head again :-)
