GS Challenge

So this is where Mike and Dave keep record of their epic battle to prove who is indeed the better gamer.  Below, the games and matches will be posted as the testament of skill of the individuals.

DAVE (4) - MIKE (1)

Street Fighter 4
Format: Each fight was best 2 out of 3.  The match was the best 3 out of 5.

Overall Victor: Dave

Halo: Reach
Format: Best 3 out of 5, alternating picks between format and gametype.
Go download the videos on Halo: Reach from Mike's File Share or view it below.

Overall Victor: Mike

Team Fortress 2
Format: Best 3 out of 5 class fights.

Overall Victor: Dave

Magic the Gathering: DotP
It was a best 2 out of 3 match.  Dave prevailed since we both drew poorly in each match we lost.  This'll probably be rematched.  Or we will play with the actual cards as a future challenge.

Overall Victor: Dave.

Zombie Apocalypse
This game was an interesting one, no doubt.  We played the 7 days of Hell game mode.  First to die, loses.  And as usual we played the best 2 out of three.  Mike won the first round with the two men surviving into the third day.  Subsequent rounds didn't go so hot with Mike dying first in the second day, and then a fluke death in Day 1 in the final round.  So, Dave wins again.  Somehow.

Overall Victor: Dave