Saturday, August 14, 2010

Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are

The first episode of Boss Battle Podcast is up!  Listen in and comment afterwards.
What's in Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are
  • Introduction to the BB Podcast
  • What's the point of BB Podcast?
  • What is and What is not a GAMER
  • Mike and Dave's gaming backgrounds
  • MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT - Check it out on the Xbox Live Marketplace
  • The "Moral of the Story" a.k.a. Concluding Remarks.

or download the mp3 file here.
Intro and outro music taken from "Mega Man 3 - It's Boss Time" by Gux.  Check it out on OCRemix here.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Awesome first show! So when are you two going to discuss re-releasing games (not reskinning but a full re-release like chronotrigger...)? BTW...F-you on Assassins Creed. They fixed it for 2, still going to buy Brotherhood (I'll let you know how it is Dave), and 3 should be AWESOME! And Halo 2 was a better story than Halo 1 (yes, I'm writing as listening). Wii has no demos though...and thanks to you, I have my group name for AWA. I'll add one last thing: all the hate for activision, but where is your seething for EA?

  2. I def have to agree the podcast was awesome :) I loved it and I am gonna have to ask you not to hate on Assassin's Creed, it is awesome and such an original idea! I also have to has say that I do agree with you guys on the MW2 front, I hate the game and people who play the game! It's fan base is nothing more that little bastards who think they are hardcore because they sit in the front room while mommy and daddy are at work and cuss like sailor! NO...The game doesn't need that shit :) Anywho I am done rambling, nicely done guys!

  3. Esco here...great opening show guys.

    I think on the MW2 front...90% of the fanbase that play the game are mindless kids. Thus, 90% of the fanbase that play the game are opportunistic douches, who aren't above stooping to low levels to gain any advantage.

    Oh and Brotherhood FTW!

  4. Alright, so I listened at it was good. Maybe Dave should bitch a little less and you guys actually give some reasons as to why these things suck. I felt like Dave was nagging me and needed to be slapped.

