Friday, September 10, 2010

Episode 5 - Fuzzy Wuzzy

Again with 50% more hosting awesome sauce!  This week's special guest is Fuzzy from Tango Down.
This week's episode notes:
  • Chrono Trigger worship.
  • Gamertag goodness.
  • Attention developers: STOP PLANNING TRILOGIES.
  • Some banter about Halo Reach.
  • First 1v1 G.S. Challenge. 9/15.
  • Upcoming updates for the podcast.

or download the mp3 here.
Also, be on the lookout for us on iTunes!

The intro and outro music featured in this episode comes from "The Legend of Zelda - 'UnderWorldPressureCooker'" by wRenchpilot.

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    1. FUZZY! *rubs head*

      Another fun episode...Dave not being able to stay quiet for more than 2 minutes cracked me up.

    2. Another good podcast left me wishing it was live so I could call in and agree. Good topics! FF7 is like every Square fans wet dream. You ask any nerd what One-Winged Angel is and they'll give you Nobuo Uematsu's life composition history. Good music, but not jizz-worthy. But FF7 was a good game and they did a good job making you feel for their characters. I hadn't felt so emotionally involved with a game until Bioshock was released.

      Anyways I may have to finish CT now on the DS, thanks.

      Agree completely with the GT, but you should have also mentioned the idiots who brag about how their nuke counts in their bio. Another Timmy move.

      I think that was all, good to hear Fuzzy in there, and Too Human was Too Fail, and I want my money back Silicon Knights. You owe me.

      Oh Fuzz, lobby-a cappella is still strong, did Teenage Dirtbag on Thursday and you missed it.

      Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere...

    3. Thanks for having me on the show, guys. It was a blast.

      Since I failed at self promotional industry whoring during the podcast, my GT is So Fuzzy and my twitter is @the_fuzzy

      Feel free to follow that if you enjoy pointless and unfunny commentary.

      Keep up the good work guys. It's fun to listen to a podcast that doesn't come off as an attempt to suck and swallow your way into the industry.

    4. Look, yes, it was a lot of fun, but FF3 (I know it's 6 in japan, but my Mog poster says 3) was still better. Dave and I have gone round and round on this one, but that's just me. I'm not gonna get into it here, but there will be a few beers consumed in relation to this topic in 5 days...
      Another game that offs the main character? Heavy Rain. But yeah, the lack of ability to off the main character is still not happening.

      FF7...still WAY TOO OVERHyPED!! Why are these people allowed to speak? I'm a big anime fan, and whenever I go to a convention, it is full of kids who have not played the game but wanna emulate Emo Cloud. Or fat Yuffie. Or 10 or X2, whith some hideous Rikus or Paines.

      I think all gamertags should go through committee. Fail, and your tag is chucked, and a severe beating ensues.

      I thought Waste Control had to do with Mongolian Stir-Fry?

      Fuzzy, have you tried Rick-rolling a lobby? Might be funny.

      It shows that I never play multi that I've never heard lobby acapella.

      Depending on who is singing it, Dont Stop Believing won't make me think you are crazy. Mostly, it's when you start singing it about 3 minutes after Glee came on TV (yeah. So weird).

      I used to love Silicon Knights. Loved them! And they broke my heart! Blood Omen was fantastic! Now they spew out more shit than Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly combined.

      I'm tired of trilogies. I knew Mass Effect was not a stand-alone, but it could have been wrapped in 2. And really, the DLC is what is going to be the best thing ever when to comes to 3.

      ODST HAD the best character set-up, but 3 of the actors have worked together before in a violent space opera. Yup, Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, and Alan Tudyk...I just wanted some dinosaur toys...

      As for the movie, I just hope not. There are almost no directors who could pull it off, and no studio is going to pony up that kind of cash.

      I thought the Halo Bible was the Visual Guide (which was REALLY cool, but REALLY expensive).

      And you jerks need to let me know what the results are, only because I'll be either at work or travelling (and I'm not shelling out $12 for 4 hours of internet on a damn plane).

    5. I think you guys should do a "real life" challenge to go along with the gamer challenge LOL....
