Monday, December 12, 2011

Episode 47 - Holiday Hell

Mike, Dave, and Benji are back (finally).  The holidays are murder.  Here's the notes.
  • A brief look and discussion at Halo Anniversary.
  • Benji and Dave give their thoughts and approval of Saints Row 3.
  • Assassin's Creed is not a bad game.  Just saddening.
  • Oh the things we do for achievements.
  • A slightly more in-depth look at Skyrim.
  • Dave and Mike give you their tips for not making their lives hell in retail.
  • Dave tries to pit Benji and Mike against once another.
  • Dave has a sad.
Listen to Episode 47 via the flash player.
Or click to download the Episode 47 mp3.

Find us on:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Episode 46 - There Is Only Skyrim

Mike, Dave, and Benji are back to talk about MW3 and Skyrim.  Here's the breakdown:
  • Launch for MW3 was biggest ever and was hell.
  • Overwhelming disappointment from fans since game is the same.
    • Check the Metacritic User Score and reviews.
      • Also note the discrepency between pos/neg reviews and critic reviews.
    • Dave tries to convince Mike to love it.
    • Dave nerd rages about the existence of lycan vampires / vampiric werewolves.
Listen to the podcast via the flash player below.
Or download Episode 46 - There Is Only Skyrim in mp3 format.
Find us on:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Episode 45 - I Just Work Here Dave

Mike, Dave, and Benji are back for another laid-back humorous episode.  Dave is fueled by sugary goodness due to gummy bear overdose.  Here's the notes for this week's episode.
  • Our first impressions of Battlefield 3.
    • Our Platoon can be found here.
  • Benji's review of Professor Layton and the Last Spector.
  • We weigh in on the Batman: Arkham City story in full.
  • Dubstep does not make for awesome video game marketing.
  • Video game marketing as of late sucks.
  • Mountain Dew Double XP for MW3 = Childhood Obesity + Diabetes
  • GameStop TV just sucks even more when you hear it for over 5 hours straight.
  • Please GameStop fix it.
  • By the way... here's the picture I sent to Benji that provoked his hate for Party Rock Anthem.
Every day i\'m snuffling 
    Listen to Episode 45 - I Just Work Here Dave via the flash player below.
    Or download the Episode 45 MP3.

    Find us on:

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Episode 44 - I am Batman

    Returning guest host Benji joins Mike and Dave for another fun episode.
    • First impressions of the Batman: Arkham City.
    • Opinions on the 7 game beatdown to your wallet.
    • Other thoughts, opinions, and musings.

    Listen to episode 44 right here in your browser.

    Download Episode 44 - I am Batman mp3.
    Find us on:

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    Episode 43 - Rage, Fail, ???, PROFIT

    Mike and Dave come at you this week with a wide array of topics.

    As always, listen to Episode 43 in your browser via the Flash Player below.

      Or go download the Episode 43 - Rage Fail ??? PROFIT in mp3.

      Find us on:

      Monday, September 26, 2011

      Episode 42 - Life, The Universe, and Everything

      Gears of War 3Image by Dekuwa via FlickrMike and Dave are back again for another fun-filled episode!

      • Gears of War 3 is out and Mike provides his impressions and his review.
      • "" and how it's a travesty towards gamers, gaming culture, and stereotypes.
      • Mike also needs a guest host for next week to fill in for Dave!
      Listen to the podcast episode via the flash player below.

      Find us on:

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      Sunday, September 11, 2011

      Episode 41 - Shotgun to the Wallet

      Mike and Dave feel the pressure on their wallet as the holiday gaming season opens up with a bang.  This past week saw 6 new game releases, and Mike and Dave are reviewing 3 of them.

      • Rise of Nightmares review.  Verdict: Rent it.
      • Warhammer 40K Space Marine.  BUY IT.  Great single player combat and solid multi-player.
      • Dead Island.  Mike approves, Dave's unsure.  Listen in as to why.
      • Mike's going to need a special guest host near the end of the month.  If you're interested, simply comment, tweet us at @bb_mikendave, or e-mail us at to let us know you want to be on our show!
      Listen to Episode 41 via the Flash Player below.

      Or download Episode 41 - Shotgun to the Wallet.

      Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Subscribe to Us on iTunes! Just check the right side of the page for the handy buttons.
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      Tuesday, September 6, 2011

      Episode 40 - Running on Empty

      Mike and Dave are back again, getting ready for the beginning of the holiday rush.  Granted, we're already tired.

      • We're both excited for Gotham City Imposters.  And we've only seen the trailer.
      • Dave comments on his take of the Borderlands 2 footage.
      • Batman: Arkham City achievements have been unveiled.
      • Mike has a Kinect.  And he loves Fruit Ninja Kinect.  And provides his insight on it thus far.
      • Publishers shouldn't release EVERYTHING ALL at once.  We tell you why.
      • Mike rants about the MW3 Multiplayer trailer.

      As always, you can listen to the podcast via the flash player below
      or alternatively you can download the mp3 of Episode 40 - Running on Empty.

      Leave us a comment below!
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          Saturday, August 27, 2011

          Episode 39 - Dirty Deals and Deus Ex

          It's been over 1 year for us here at the Boss Battle Podcast! Happy belated 1 birthday to us! Here's the latest episode, with a huge chunk full of stuff to talk about. We also have special guest host Benji (aka @Fierhawk).

          Here's the notes for the episode, complete with links.

          • Super MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT!  Beta coming soon...
          • Valve urges Microsoft to have Steamworks on the 360.
          • New upcoming DLC for Portal 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.
            • Note: Content Packs are now called Horse Armor.
          • Talks of Dragon Age 3 in the works.
          • Twisted Metal slated for Valentine's Day.
          • The new Batman: Arkham City video posted by the Riddler... Check it here.
          • Our opinions on the new Halo Reach title update.
          • EA uses Origin to gather personal information and sells it to 3rd party.
            • Our ruling: EA makes good games.  Otherwise they're douche bags.
            • Mike is also kind of a big deal.
          • Mike provides his opinion on the Bodycount and Space Marine.
            • Chainswords are win.
          • Mike, Benji, and Dave weigh in on Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
            • It gets a 95 skulls out of a 100.  Minor issues; nothing big, but could be improved.
          • And a quick shout out to 7bitarcade!  They've launched their new site!
          As always, listen to Episode 39 via the flash player below.
          Or download the Episode 39 mp3.

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          Thursday, August 18, 2011

          Episode 38 - Free Form

          Mike and Dave go a little bit more casual and free form this time around.

          • More Call of Duty bashing and more commentary on the MW3 vs BF3 battle.
          • We also provide our views on fanboyism in general and ignorant consumers.
          • Battlefield 3: Aftershock on iPhone.  Origin on iPhone too?
          • Battlefield 3 won best at Gamescon.
          • Ubisoft announces title line-up for the Vita.
          • New expansion for Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 comes out Sept. 14th.
          • Our picks for the holiday season so you can play us.
          • Give Mike birthday presents.
          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below:

          or download Episode 38 - Free Form in mp3 format.

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          Monday, August 8, 2011

          Episode 37 - Insert Clerks Joke Here

          Mike and Dave ramble on again about their various gaming topics.  This week it includes:

          As always, listen to our podcast via the flash player below.
          Or download the Episode 37 mp3.

          If you're a fellow podcaster and would like us to guest host your podcast or be a guest host on ours, simply contact us.  Our contact information can be found via the About BB page.

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          Sunday, July 31, 2011

          Episode 36 - Five Finger Discount

          We talk about a wide array of stuff this week and spend a good deal arguing about the question of the week.  Here's the breakdown:

          • The Nintendo 3DS price slash.  Who didn't see that coming?
          • Calibur11 Vaults for your 360 slim.  Very nice!
          • Question of the Week Responses:
            • Benji's opinion of voice actors in games
            • DLC and DLC season passes.
          • Xbox Live's Summer Arcade Title Bastion Review
          • And Dave's impressions on the Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC.
          And as always, listen to Episode 36 via the flash player here in the post:

          or go download the Episode 36 mp3.
          (Or you can always subscribe to us on iTunes!)

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          Monday, July 18, 2011

          Episode 35 - Voices

          Mike and Dave go back to the basics of their podcast and talk about some general topics, as well as revive the question of the week!

          Here's the notes for this week's episode.

          Listen to Episode 35 - Voices via the flash player below.
          Or as always, download the Episode 35 mp3.
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          Monday, July 11, 2011

          Episode 34 - Infinite Wisdom

          Here's the breakdown of this week's podcast.
          • We want to play with you!  Games of interest include Bioshock 2, Halo Reach, and Team Fortress 2 and any other games that you want to play (and we have).
          • We provide our opinions, insights, and impressions of the 15-minute Bioshock Infinite Trailer.  If you haven't seen it, well, here you go.
          And as always, you can listen to the podcast right here via the flash player.

          Or download the Episode 34 - Infinite Wisdom mp3 file.
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          Monday, July 4, 2011

          Episode 33 - Sleepy Time

          Mike and Dave are a little less rage-filled this week due to heavy work schedules and a rather bland news week.  But here's what they talk about in this week's short and sweet episode.

          And as always, listen to our podcast via the flash player below.
          Or download Episode 33 - Sleepy Time mp3.
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          Thursday, June 23, 2011

          Episode 32 - Best in Show

          This week's episode has Mike and Dave talking about G4's rated "Best of E3" results among a few other things. Here's the breakdown.

          • A recap and discussion of G4's picks for the Best of E3 by category.
          • Ghost Recon: Future Soldier gets beta in January.
          • Infinity Ward v. Activision finally goes to court.
          • Impressions of the new Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012.
          • Pre-order bonuses.  Good or bad?
          Listen to the podcast via the flashplayer:
          or go download Episode 32 in mp3.

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          Monday, June 13, 2011

          Episode 31 - mEh 3

          Mike and Dave, along with special guest Benji aka ( @Fierhawk ) talk about their impressions, comments, and questions regarding this year's E3.

          Here's a rough progression of the podcast:
          • KINECT! KINECT! KINECT! - Otherwise known as the Microsoft Keynote presentation at E3.
          • Hey.  We effed up.  Okay.  Now LOOK AT THIS SHINY TOY. - Sony's presentation.
          • It's a controller!  It's a tablet!  No, wait it's the Nintendo Wii U!
          • Then a round table discussion about what impressed us or disheartened us.
          As always, listen to our podcast via the flash player.

          Or download the full mp3 here.

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          Saturday, May 21, 2011

          Episode 30 - Two Drink Minimum

          Mike and a very drunk Dave welcome two special guests back to the show, Fierhawk (Benji) and Justice Pie (Clint). Amongst the antics, the gentlemen talk about Brink, L.A. Noire, the new Vegas DLC, the ramifications of the Sony PSN outage, Twisted Metal, the latest batch of sequels, and the epic showdown to come between Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3.

          Here's some helpful links and the order of events:
          • The assessment of Brink by the boys.
          • Benji's experience with L.A. Noire.
          • The latest New Vegas DLC as reviewed by Dave and Benji.
          • Mike's second reason for still owning a PS3: Twisted Metal.
          • The ramifications of the Sony PSN outage.
          • The next round of sequels to come and why we rage.  We're looking at you ACR.
          • Oh, and the epic showdown of the year, Modern Warfare 3 vs Battlefield 3.  Who will win?
          This picture will help explain the giggles and other random comments around an hour and five minutes into the podcast. 

          Boss Battle Podcast is also looking to partner with a gaming website.  So if you're interested in having our shenanigans help providing content for your site, along with some written articles from us, let us know. See our About BB page on how to contact us.

          And as always, you can listen to the podcast via the flash player below.
          Or download the full podcast mp3 file.
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          Tuesday, May 10, 2011

          Episode 29 - On the Brink

          Mike and Dave talk about.. well what else other than BRINK?!  Here's a rundown of the podcast's progression.

          • Why and Joystiq gave bad reviews for Brink.
          • Why they also suck.
          • Mike and Dave's first impressions of Brink.
          • And then Dave obsesses over Fallout: New Vegas some more because of new DLC.
          • I think Dave loves Bethesda.

          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below:

          or download the full podcast mp3.

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          Friday, April 29, 2011

          Episode 28 - The Perilous Pair

          We're back!  Finally!  The dynamic duo!  The terrible twosome!  The perilous pair!  Anyways.. here's what we talk about in this episode.

          • The PSN Network Outage.  Follow the Playstation Blog for updates.
          • The new rumored Wii console to debut.
          • Our opinions of the Gears of War 3 beta.
          • WE LOVE PORTAL 2.
          • And Brink if a Team Fortress player's wetdream. And guess what?  We love TF2.
          • And we have new theme music, courtesy of BANMIER!
          Listen to the podcast via the flash player:
          or download the full podcast mp3.
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          Monday, March 28, 2011

          Episode 27 - Guild Wars

          Mike and special guest host Chris aka Omen talk Guild Wars 1 and 2.

          Be sure to check out all the latest news for Guild Wars 2 on their official site.

          Music taken from "Wizards and Warriors Theme" by bazooie.

          Listen to the podcast via the flash player:

          or download the full podcast mp3.

          Tuesday, March 22, 2011

          Episode 26 - Rough Cut

          Mike and Dave are up to their usual antics by commenting on news and opinion from their gaming world. Here's some handy links:

          Listen to the podcast via the flash player
          or download the podcast mp3.

          By the way: We're still looking for guest hosts for the next two shows.  The first topic will be Guild Wars 2 and the following week will be up to you guys!  So shoot Mike an e-mail, tweet, message, or whatever else so we can make plans.

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          Sunday, March 13, 2011

          Episode 25 - Skulltactular

          Mike and Dave talk about a few updates regarding their anticipated games.  They also establish their system for rating games and break it in with their first OFFICIAL Review of Dragon Age 2!

          • Batman Arkham City gets an official release date of October 18th, 2011.
          • Guild Wars 2 reveals its new crafting system.
          • The Question of the Week No One Answered!  (SHAME ON YOU!)
          • The Dragon Age 2 Review:
            • The Rubric as posted on Google Doc with descriptions and breakdowns of categories.
            • Dragon Age 2 scores a whopping 95 out of 100 skulls.  That's a rather large pile o' skulls.
            • SKULLAMANJARO.
          • Mike's gonna need a guest host for the first weekend in April.  Interested in sharing your opinions on video games and gaming news?  Just e-mail him at with some topics in mind.
          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below:

          or go download the podcast mp3.

          Music taken from "Terminal Velocity - Proxima Path" by Bloomer.

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          Saturday, March 5, 2011

          Episode 24 - MMO's and Bozos

          Mike and Dave talk about a couple of different things in this episode, which could be classified into two categories: MMO's and Bozos.
          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below:
          Or download the full episode mp3.

          Music taken from "Shining in the Darkness - Just Creatures and Me" by Taika
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          Thursday, March 3, 2011

          Episode 22 - Culture Shock

          Mike and Dave talk about a multitude of subjects.  Here's some handy-dandy links and notes:

          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below:

          or download the full podcast mp3.

          Music is taken from "Zombies Ate My Neighbors - The Curse" by Christian Pacaud.

          Friday, February 25, 2011

          Episode 23 - All About Games

          This episode is dedicated solely to video games.  Why?  Accident really.  We talk about 3 games with one tiny tidbit of gaming related news.

          Here's some helpful notes and links for the episode:

          • Dave provides his review on Dead Space 2 for the Global Playthrough.
          • Bask in the amazing glory that is Bulletstorm!  
            • By the way, People Can Fly and EPIC Games, we love you for this one.
          • Dragon Age 2 demo review and anticipations.
          • Bethesda's challenge to brand your child.
          Listen to the podcast via the flash player below
          or go download the episode mp3.
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          Tuesday, February 8, 2011

          Episode 21 - Ragin' Cajun Chicken

          Mike and Dave get back to their ranting roots in this one.  Here's some notes and helpful links for the topics discussed.

          Listen to the podcast via the player:
          or download the episode mp3!
          That's it for this week.  Remember to e-mail us at if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for next week's podcast!

          Saturday, January 29, 2011

          Episode 20 - Coming on Strong

          Episode 20!  Mike and Dave are just one episode away from reaching "adulthood".  Here's some notes on what they talk about this time.

          • PS3's Version of Portal 2 comes with Steam and extra goodies like cross-platform play!
          • Hey Sony, you can't have a beta for a game that's gone gold.  We're looking at you Killzone 3 "Multiplayer Beta".
          • Gamers getting together CAN do something and have a real world effect.
          • EA's onslaught of the first quarter with their releases of:
          • Our news:
            • Live streaming coming soon.
            • New Bulletstorm videos on the YouTube (courtesy of Oh Malley)
            • We're looking for an artist to do some work.  Contact us for more info.
            • And remember to like us on Facebook.  Just check the right side of the page.
          Oh, and for the Dead Space 2 giveaway via 7BitArcade and the Global Playthrough - see this tweet for details.
          Listen to the podcast via this flash player:

          or download the full podcast mp3.

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