Saturday, August 27, 2011

Episode 39 - Dirty Deals and Deus Ex

It's been over 1 year for us here at the Boss Battle Podcast! Happy belated 1 birthday to us! Here's the latest episode, with a huge chunk full of stuff to talk about. We also have special guest host Benji (aka @Fierhawk).

Here's the notes for the episode, complete with links.

  • Super MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT!  Beta coming soon...
  • Valve urges Microsoft to have Steamworks on the 360.
  • New upcoming DLC for Portal 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.
    • Note: Content Packs are now called Horse Armor.
  • Talks of Dragon Age 3 in the works.
  • Twisted Metal slated for Valentine's Day.
  • The new Batman: Arkham City video posted by the Riddler... Check it here.
  • Our opinions on the new Halo Reach title update.
  • EA uses Origin to gather personal information and sells it to 3rd party.
    • Our ruling: EA makes good games.  Otherwise they're douche bags.
    • Mike is also kind of a big deal.
  • Mike provides his opinion on the Bodycount and Space Marine.
    • Chainswords are win.
  • Mike, Benji, and Dave weigh in on Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
    • It gets a 95 skulls out of a 100.  Minor issues; nothing big, but could be improved.
  • And a quick shout out to 7bitarcade!  They've launched their new site!
As always, listen to Episode 39 via the flash player below.
Or download the Episode 39 mp3.

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1 comment:

  1. Not being a Gamestop employee, i would like to say something.

    To whom it may concern:
    Please stop bashing on Gamestop for it's policy with Onlive concerning Deus Ex. Do i believe they handled the situation poorly? Yup. Do I think they should have just knuckled under and sold Deus Ex Human Revolution (hereafter known as DXHR) with the Onlive code? Nope. Square Enix pulled a dick move by announcing the Onlive bundling the day before release. I get that they have a partnership together, but to not inform a retailer that they are including software designed to take customers away is not cool. Square Enix deserves at least an equal portion of our disdain in this situation, but no one is blaming them for anything. Did they come out an apologize for being sneaky? Nope, but Gamestop did and gave you free stuff in compensation.
    I am not saying Gamestop could not have handled it better. They didn't want to lose sales, so they chose a course of action that invariably would bite them in the ass. If there is a production issue and my copy of a game comes with something more than what I was expecting, I do not want someone opening my game and taking it out. All I am saying is that Square Enix is equally deserving of your your ire towards Gamestop regarding this kerfuffle. It was shady on their part and they too should be held accountable. Thank you.
