Sunday, July 31, 2011

Episode 36 - Five Finger Discount

We talk about a wide array of stuff this week and spend a good deal arguing about the question of the week.  Here's the breakdown:

  • The Nintendo 3DS price slash.  Who didn't see that coming?
  • Calibur11 Vaults for your 360 slim.  Very nice!
  • Question of the Week Responses:
    • Benji's opinion of voice actors in games
    • DLC and DLC season passes.
  • Xbox Live's Summer Arcade Title Bastion Review
  • And Dave's impressions on the Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC.
And as always, listen to Episode 36 via the flash player here in the post:

or go download the Episode 36 mp3.
(Or you can always subscribe to us on iTunes!)

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  1. Hate to say it, but with the price slash, I may just buy a 3ds. That and stupid Layton will be a 3ds game...

    Calibur11 Vaults look AWESOME!! I can't personally drop the cash on it, thanks to October/November...

    Let me clear up 1 point on the QOTW last week (I know the damn thing was a Master's Thesis, but bear with me): Season Pass: good idea provided it is not content that should have been in the game originally. I WANTED a Fallout pass. I WANT a ME3 pass, as long as the content is not a part of the game they cut just to make DLC. Online passes: go f$#@ yourself on that (looking at you, Activision). Same for the online DRM for things like Driver (one more reason not to buy it). I get the reason, but do not punish everyone for jerk-offs that want to pirate your game. You put it on there, I am NOT gonna buy it.

    Dave, I'm gonna agree with you on Mike's bitch about MORE content for buying new. The extra content is why I pre-order. If I'm gonna get it anyway for buying new, I will be patient and hold out for a price drop. Kinda why I'm pissed about people bitching over day-1 unlocks. You want the stuff early? Buy it early! It's an incentive to buy early, so if it's just part of the new game, it's not a bonus. I actually do not mind if they sell it later on as DLC, because I was not an early adopter and maybe regret not being one. I would, however, like it pro-rated from a Season Pass if I got it already.

  2. Thanks Benji for your clarification and additional input.

    And just to clear up my stance on the online pass thing, I was just trying to provide an alternative to the online pass b.s. to try and push new sales over used sales. It's not hurting GameStop's used sales at all since they adjust their price accordingly anyways and just hurts the consumer in the long run. So they should provide incentive for buying new rather than a penalty for buying used.

    But IMHO, I wish they'd just drop the online pass b.s. and be done with it. Make good games and have people get invested for the long haul and develop brand quality and loyalty. (EA, THQ, Activision...)

    - Mike
