Monday, July 18, 2011

Episode 35 - Voices

Mike and Dave go back to the basics of their podcast and talk about some general topics, as well as revive the question of the week!

Here's the notes for this week's episode.

Listen to Episode 35 - Voices via the flash player below.
Or as always, download the Episode 35 mp3.
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1 comment:

  1. So I'll be the first, and this one will be kinda long.

    Voice Actors (VAs) will never get the kind of recognition that, say, Emma Watson or Benjamin Lee do. They should not. I'm not saying they don't do a fantastic job with SEVERELY limited resources, but the VA should not come before the game. If you go to a Con and see them, you probably won't know who they are without a place setting. I've stood in line and gotten stuff signed by them, but I severely doubt you will stand in line for 3 hours to get a copy of something signed by them (the line to get my Shinchan doll signed was about 5 people). I love Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson and Nathan Fillion, but if you are going to drop that much cash into a VA's pocket, you better get your money's worth out of him (Ron Pearlman in EVERY Fallout game). One notable exception: Mark Hamill. He's the Joker. Flat out. I would stand in line to have him sign something Batman related (or I'd have him sign a copy of Guyver, cause that's just me).

    DLC: Oh crap, here we go. DLC should add something to the game. Dead Money, Honest Hearts, and Old School Blues accomplish this easily. Oblivion, Borderlands, and even to an extent the map packs for every FPS do this too. What I cannot abide is DLC that was planned during production. I'm looking at you, LA Noire. If your game is empty because you are saving in for DLC, go f(*& yourself. It's not fair to us who pay for a game new (or even used) to have to shell out even more cash to make it the game you want us to play. Which brings us to...

    Season passes: Look, I bought the pass for LA Noire, but in all fairness, XBox gave me to points for it. And I'm still not satisfied. I appreciate the concept of bundling. I really do. Make it worthwhile though. Don't REQUIRE buying a pass to play a game used. Hell, we all grew up renting games from Mom & Pops, or Blockbuster or such, why should I have to give you more money to play a game I may not want to buy? And it's hitting retailers, you know, those folks who have to sell your games. Why am I being punished for wanting to buy a used copy of a game, when you got your damned money the first time it was sold, by charging me more money after I purchase it to play it. Mortal Kombat, Driver, even Mass Effect 2 do this crap (Cerberus network, in case you didn't remember, was a code you got in the box to MAKE THE GAME WORK, and if you didn't have the code, you had to buy it later). Be happy we are playing your game, new or used, because we just might buy your next title new. Don't charge me $10 dollars because someone else is making money off of reselling older games. If I have to shell out effectively the cost of a new game on a used title between Gamestop and XBLA, I'm likely to just buy new, and that will put good people out of work. Make a good product, and people will buy it. And whether they buy new or used, if you can make additions that bring more to a good game, we will buy it. Just don't make it madatory, cause we will find something better.

