Saturday, January 29, 2011

Episode 20 - Coming on Strong

Episode 20!  Mike and Dave are just one episode away from reaching "adulthood".  Here's some notes on what they talk about this time.

  • PS3's Version of Portal 2 comes with Steam and extra goodies like cross-platform play!
  • Hey Sony, you can't have a beta for a game that's gone gold.  We're looking at you Killzone 3 "Multiplayer Beta".
  • Gamers getting together CAN do something and have a real world effect.
  • EA's onslaught of the first quarter with their releases of:
  • Our news:
    • Live streaming coming soon.
    • New Bulletstorm videos on the YouTube (courtesy of Oh Malley)
    • We're looking for an artist to do some work.  Contact us for more info.
    • And remember to like us on Facebook.  Just check the right side of the page.
Oh, and for the Dead Space 2 giveaway via 7BitArcade and the Global Playthrough - see this tweet for details.
Listen to the podcast via this flash player:

or download the full podcast mp3.

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