Sunday, September 19, 2010

Episode 6 - Now in Pie Flavor

The Boss Battle Podcast now comes in (Justice) Pie flavor!  Guest host and epic BBP listener Justice Pie fills in for Dave.
Some notes for this week's episode:
  • Justice's introduction.
  • Viral marketing is lame.
  • Our complaints about movies, stealing from other mediums.
  • The status of the 1v1 Gamer Showdown / Goat Screw challenge and why Dave is lame.
  • Other updates regarding the sites and the podcast.

or download directly here.
The intro and outro music in this episode was taken from "Mega Man 3 - The Passing of the Blue Crown" by by Sixto Sounds, Steppo, and zircon.  Check it out here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Episode 5 - Fuzzy Wuzzy

Again with 50% more hosting awesome sauce!  This week's special guest is Fuzzy from Tango Down.
This week's episode notes:
  • Chrono Trigger worship.
  • Gamertag goodness.
  • Attention developers: STOP PLANNING TRILOGIES.
  • Some banter about Halo Reach.
  • First 1v1 G.S. Challenge. 9/15.
  • Upcoming updates for the podcast.

or download the mp3 here.
Also, be on the lookout for us on iTunes!

The intro and outro music featured in this episode comes from "The Legend of Zelda - 'UnderWorldPressureCooker'" by wRenchpilot.

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    Sunday, September 5, 2010

    Episode 4 - +1 to Shenanigans

    Today's episode comes with 50% more hosting power with special guest host ESCOBLADES!
    • Escoblade's introduction.
    • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (and Beta.).
    • "Crap" Ops and Medal of Honor discussion.
    • Our top arcade games.
    • If you have gaming-related news or want to know our opinions regarding it, let us know!

    or download the mp3 file directly here.

    And here some nifty links for things mentioned in the podcast.
    The intro and outro music comes from "Tales of Symphonia - Strike of the Devil's Axes" by CarboHydroM and LuIzA.  Go check it out on OCRemix.
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