Sunday, August 29, 2010

Episode 3 - Back on the Rant Train

Episode Notes:
  • How MLG is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
  • How WCG Ultimate Gamer 2 is a poor representative of true competitive gaming.
  • Scott Pilgrim vs the World the Video Game! makes us happy.
  • Dave lets us know he's excited about Dungeon Defenders.
  • Ask us questions that you want on the podcast by commenting here, e-mailing us at, or contacting us via Twitter ( The Podcast @bb_mikendave, Mike @h2o_ohmalley, and Dave @WasteControl).
  • If you would like to be a guest host via the same methods.  If you're using Twitter, make sure to send us a direct message rather than just a mention.  Please, include any topics that you'd like to talk about as well.

or download the mp3 file here.

Here's some links to things mentioned in the podcast.
And as always, intro and outro taken from "FF7 - Black Wing Metamorphosis", a collective work by Fishy, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, bLiNd, pixietricks, and tefnek.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Episode 2 - Resolution

Here's a general outline of this episode.
  • A recap of Episode 1 and comments
  • Reasons for hate: Dave (Gears/MW2) & Mike (Halo/AC)
  •  Clarification about gamers.
  • We like Valve.
  • Batman: Arkham City & Bioshock: Infinite
  • Costume Quest and other small notes.

or download the mp3 file here.

Things mentioned in this week's episode:

Our intro and out music is from "Chrono Trigger - The Final Battle" by PLBenjaminZ over at
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are

The first episode of Boss Battle Podcast is up!  Listen in and comment afterwards.
What's in Episode 1: Gamers - Who We Are
  • Introduction to the BB Podcast
  • What's the point of BB Podcast?
  • What is and What is not a GAMER
  • Mike and Dave's gaming backgrounds
  • MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT - Check it out on the Xbox Live Marketplace
  • The "Moral of the Story" a.k.a. Concluding Remarks.

or download the mp3 file here.
Intro and outro music taken from "Mega Man 3 - It's Boss Time" by Gux.  Check it out on OCRemix here.
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