Sunday, July 31, 2011

Episode 36 - Five Finger Discount

We talk about a wide array of stuff this week and spend a good deal arguing about the question of the week.  Here's the breakdown:

  • The Nintendo 3DS price slash.  Who didn't see that coming?
  • Calibur11 Vaults for your 360 slim.  Very nice!
  • Question of the Week Responses:
    • Benji's opinion of voice actors in games
    • DLC and DLC season passes.
  • Xbox Live's Summer Arcade Title Bastion Review
  • And Dave's impressions on the Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC.
And as always, listen to Episode 36 via the flash player here in the post:

or go download the Episode 36 mp3.
(Or you can always subscribe to us on iTunes!)

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Episode 35 - Voices

Mike and Dave go back to the basics of their podcast and talk about some general topics, as well as revive the question of the week!

Here's the notes for this week's episode.

Listen to Episode 35 - Voices via the flash player below.
Or as always, download the Episode 35 mp3.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Episode 34 - Infinite Wisdom

Here's the breakdown of this week's podcast.
  • We want to play with you!  Games of interest include Bioshock 2, Halo Reach, and Team Fortress 2 and any other games that you want to play (and we have).
  • We provide our opinions, insights, and impressions of the 15-minute Bioshock Infinite Trailer.  If you haven't seen it, well, here you go.
And as always, you can listen to the podcast right here via the flash player.

Or download the Episode 34 - Infinite Wisdom mp3 file.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Episode 33 - Sleepy Time

Mike and Dave are a little less rage-filled this week due to heavy work schedules and a rather bland news week.  But here's what they talk about in this week's short and sweet episode.

And as always, listen to our podcast via the flash player below.
Or download Episode 33 - Sleepy Time mp3.
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