Sunday, November 21, 2010

Episode 14 - Emotional Rollercoaster

The podcast topics range from the enraging to sad to happy stuff.  Topics (with links) as follows:

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, want to be a guest host, or want to be interviewed, contact us via Twitter @bb_mikendave or e-mail us at

or download the full mp3 here.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Episode 13 - Puberty and Conjecture

Dave and Mike get revved up again about some recent topics.  Here's their opinions on:
  • Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops - The Game and The Obsession
  • Viacom's attempt to sell Harmonix and its effect
  • Widely available controller mods for cheap?
  • Pre-ordering DLC.  REALLY!?
Listen to our podcast via the player:

or download the mp3 here.
Also remember to check us out on iTunes!  Please comment and rate us so we'll pop up on the more popular podcast pages.  And if you need to contact us, check out our About Us page.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Episode 10 - War Never Changes

Dave and Mike are at it again with their rantings and antics in Episode 10.
Topics include:
  • Dave's Review of Fallout: New Vegas
  • Listener question: Opinions on Movie-Based Video Games and Video Game-Based Movies.
  • Black Ops Beta Follow-Up and Hacker Challenge
  • A note and reflection on the Gameplay Commentator Community
  • The status of the G.S. Challenge and future plans.
  • Some notes on future guests, such as the Family [tF].

or download the full mp3 here.

References to some stuff mentioned.

The intro and outro music for this episode was taken from "Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Hell March to the Apocalypse" by Prince of Darkness as found on
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Episode 12 - Some Time With The Family

Nchantyr Tym and HlyHndGrnde from [t]he [F]amily join us this episode.
Episode topics include:
  • The Xbox Live Price Hike and everyone getting their panties in a twist.
  • The status of the California vs EMA Supreme Court case.
  • The Family and their plans for Black Ops.
  • tF's 1v1 MW2 tournament in memory of Sebastian.
  • The Kinect's projections to sell 5 million units.

or go download the mp3 here.

And here are some nifty links.

The Eurogamer article we referenced and the original source from Gamasutra.
the Family's website, the Facebook group for Sebastian, and a nifty YouTube video to help spread the word.

Remember to help out by donating to the cause or at least spreading out the word via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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